Plants and Baked Goods Needed for 2011 Sale

Post date: Mar 26, 2010 3:11:4 PM

Perhaps you have a favorite plant that needs dividing, or you started just a few too many of a certain vegetable, or that over-zealous mint is now growing into your columbine, or your morning glory set seed everywhere.  STOP!  Don't discard a potential money-maker.  Pot them up and sell or donate them at the annual Passer Community Center Plant, Bake, and Soup Sale ~ Saturday, May 7, from 8:30 am to 2 pm.  We are currently looking for interested plant vendors as many of our devoted vendors are retiring.  We are looking to revitalize interest in this very popular event.  We are looking for anything from perennials, to annuals, to vines, to trees, to veggie plants.  We are also looking for gardening crafts. 

What is the cost?  Passer Community Center keeps 15% of your sales.  All proceeds go towards the restoration/renovation/upkeep of Passer Community Center as well as toward funding future events.  You can drop off your items the night before the sale from 6:30 to 8:30 pm (Friday, May 7).  Make sure to label what your item is.  On a separate label, mark the price (or you can let us price the item) as well as your given number (used to keep track of who sells what when customers cash out).  Or, you can choose to stay with your items.  Just remember, there is one cash-out spot.

Last, but certainly not least,  we are in need of donations of baked goods to sell.  

If interested, please contact Kristin soon!           610-346-7401            610-248-2843